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Online Membership Registration

Membership in the Association, for REGISTERED GUIDANCE COUNSELOR only, shall be individual and personal.

Upon acceptance by the Association, an individual may be admitted to the appropriate membership category of:

  • Regular
  • International Affiliate

A Member in Good Standing

A member is considered to be in good standing if he/she is updated in the payment of his/her annual membership dues, and is not the subject of any disciplinary action or investigation by the Ethics Committee.

Membership may be lost by resignation or expulsion for cause.

A Regular member may be dropped from membership or disciplined for conduct which violates the Ethical practices and the Manual of Technical Standards for Registered and Licensed Guidance Counselors, harms the Association or negatively affects its reputation, or whice is contrary to its objectives. Reports of such conduct shall be submitted to the Ethics Committee.

The PGCA Board may refuse to accept a resignation filed by a Regular, or International Affiliate member who has a pending case filed before the Ethics Committee.

Duties of Members

Regular members are expected to attend the Annual Conference. They are required to attend the general membership meeting of the Association, vote on issues that require their attention, elect members of the Board, and pay their annual dues.

Membership Registration Form

Membership Type

Upload Attachments (preferrably in .pdf file format)

Areas of Concentration

Personal Information

Current Employment Information (optional)

Educational Background

Professional Experience

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